Todays Thaught
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Hello Everyone! Today we will discuss a very interesting topic. Nowadays we all heard about Windows 11. Yes, Windows 11 had launched. We can now use windows 11. But by maintaining some configuration. The Configuration are- Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster with two or more cores on a compatible 64-bit processor or system on…
Hello Everyone! How are you all? Hope you will be good and safe at your places. So, today our topic is Advantages and Disadvantages of Computer Leaning. So let’s Start- Going to the Topic first question that arises is why do we need to learn computers ? So, Nowadays computer learning has become more important.…
Hello everyone. Today we are going to learn about generation of computer. So let’s start– Generation Time period Hardware First Generation 1940-1950 Vacuum tube based Second Generation 1950-1960 Transistor based Third Generation 1960-1970 Integrated based Forth Generation 1970- Present Microprocessor based Fifth Generation The Present and The Future Artificial Intelligence based First Generation of Computer…